Knez Mihailova 56/I floor
Offices 23 and 26
contact: Predrag Đukić
phone: 011/2024-026, 2024-023; Fax: 2024-023
e-mail: maticno@bgb.rs
The Department for the Development of Library Activities of the Belgrade City Library, in its capacity as the central library for the territory of the City of Belgrade, is in charge of the development and promotion of work for 16 public libraries, 263 school libraries and 76 specialized and general libraries in different institutions and companies.
The Library gains insight into its situation through the supervision of professional work, surveys regarding library operations, the Republic (of Serbia’s) program package of NSL (the Network of Serbian Libraries), and maintaining records on library activities, professional activities and the training of library staff.
Work in libraries is promoted through instruction, advisory work and the extending of professional assistance, which includes a proposed package of measures for the development of library activities (the organization of the library, the storing of library holdings, auditing, automatization of library operations, etc…), which is organized in both the extensions and in the premises of the Library.
In order to facilitate the library staff to be quickly and completely familiarized with current standards, rulebooks, instructions, laws and by-laws which regulate the manner of performing library activities in the libraries of Belgrade and Serbia, the department organizes instructive seminars and professional conferences.
BL HOLDINGS (holdings of literature for librarians)
The Department holds professional literature from library sciences and related areas, intended for the Library’s employees, students of the Department of Library and Information Sciences, and candidates preparing to take their professional library exams in spring, autumn and other terms. The circulation of the holdings is subject to daily, monthly and annual statistics.
Cooperation with equivalent and related institutions (the Serbian Association of Librarians, the Center for the Professional Development of Employees in Education, the Serbian Museum Association –Sections of Librarians and Assistant Librarians, Groups of School Librarians from Belgrade’s Municipalities, other Libraries and Library Associations) is carried out to promote and equalize the work within all institutions.
Professional employees of the Department participate in conferences and professional seminars in Serbia and abroad in order to exchange experiences and acquire knowledge necessary for modernizing library operations.
The department draws up:
- Quarterly, semi-annual and annual reports on the work of the Library
- Annual and other working plans of the Library
- Records on supervisory activities over the professional work of libraries, proposing measures for the promotion monitoring library activities.